Friday, May 13, 2011

Lee Family Reunions… Oh how I miss being a wee-little one.

My dad’s side of the family is quite large to say the least. My Grandma (Big Momma) and Grandpa (Big Daddy) had 13 children, my dad being the oldest. Even still, people find it hard to believe I have 64 first cousins the last I counted. I could not name them all if asked, most of us are based out of El Campo Texas and the rest are all over. Some in California, Georgia, Nevada… the list goes on.
My dad moved to Las Vegas when I was 16, but before that, he was the one to make sure once a year we all got together for a family reunion. It would usually be here in Washington, since this is where we live. Renting a Hall, a Hotel Banquet room, or sometimes right here at Forest Park. These family reunions are something I hold close to my heart. It was a time for meeting new family, and reuniting with the old. Making new friends and just plain out fun!
This day was a holiday in itself. My aunt Lisa Kaye made it clear Turkey can be made any day of the year, as long as it’s deep fried of course. The menu consisted of comfort food and nothing else. The only salad was Potato salad, and bread was the sweetest and most moist corn bread anyone has ever tasted. Collard greens with ham, oven made Mac n Cheese, fried chicken, Turkey Gizzard stuffing, Corn on the cob….ugh, the list goes on.
The food was not what I remember most about this special day. I remember the smiles, the laughter and the pride everyone felt to be a part of such a large and united family. Through the roughest and toughest times, there is always someone to lean on. And this special day is what made that possible. The importance of family is sometimes overlooked, or taken for granted, but it is of the utmost importance. Well, at least to us.
This day brought memories that are etched in my brain forever. From playing horse, on my Daddy’s knee, trying not to be the first of the many girls to fall off. The way my uncle Kenny would dance to Vanilla Ice, “Ice, Ice Baby” and the look on my Uncle Charles’ face when he walked through the door. It’s like his eyes scanned the room for his favorite little cheerleader, me. He always used to call me that for some reason.  The way he would pick me up like I was as light as a feather. I always felt so loved and safe in one of my uncles arms. They treated me like a princess, and everyone knows how much girls love that feeling.
These memories are something I hold close to my heart and can make me smile out of nowhere, even still today. I am lucky to have a family that is so united, and without these family reunions, I would have never known, just how lucky I am…   

Friday, April 22, 2011

"Mom"-munnity is a community...

Mom-munnity is a community.

The undying love for our children is what holds this community together. The similar feelings and experiences we have as moms’, makes us a community. We value our creations and all of our needs and interests are a reflection of what we want for them. All of our energy goes into making sure our children learn, laugh, live and love.

The more time that goes by, I learn from others in my community. For instance, my mom is whom I observe. I think I have been since I was younger. She is a leader of this community for sure. Being a mom is one of the most rewarding communities to be a part of. Along with creating a life, you manage to assure yourself unconditional love.  I have two children that have had a big part of forming my identity as an adult.

This community of motherhood has many different members, with their own opinions and ideas of how a mom should be. I feel all moms are a bit judgmental at times. This is a key problem in the community. There are the moms who “swat” or the moms who do “corner time.” Moms who read bedtime stories and the moms who are too tired to even make them brush their teeth. Moms from upper-class communities meet for coffee and play dates, while chatting about how “Tommy’s mom works too much, that’s why he skips school.” The moms at work are possibly jealous or even judgmental of the time they don’t get with their own kids.

In the end none of that really matters. What really matters’ are the things you do, when you get that time. Make it count and we will all be okay.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What IS in my wallet?

The question is… “What’s in your Wallet?” Let just start off by saying thank you for making me finally clean it out! I just found a book in here, but I am going to try and some it up to one page.

I just realized that if someone found my wallet right now they would be completely confused on what kind of person I really am. For instance the 18 “Dollar Tree” receipts and 6 Gift cards, all with a balance under $1, may give off the impression that I am broke or a major penny pincher. Unfortunately, for most of us today, that is somewhat true. The 20% off coupon for a donation to Value Village, shows I try and give back when I can, but I can not for the life of me remember what I donated.

Receipts from grocery stores dated between September 2010 – yesterday, could only mean I must have taken garbage from my old wallet and stuffed it in my new one. I know this because I got a new “Nine West” purse with matching wallet for my birthday, which was on January 20th. I too fall in to the “I love designer purses” category, but what woman doesn’t?

The above items listed could definitely identify me as Lazy or a slob as well as broke, but the love letter I found in titled “Open with Care, My Hearts in here”, shows I have a major romantic side to me. This letter has to be from over a year ago, but every time I read it, it reminds me of why I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.

My Drivers license picture makes it obvious what I dealt with at the DMV that day. Oh, how I hate the days at the DMV. The long lines, angry people and the millions of 16 year olds that scare the crap out of you, when the thought of them sharing the road with you, comes to mind.

Rolled up in some yellow paper that is too warned to read, was a Monorail ticket from the first weekend I went away with Bryan. As well as a horoscope I cut out of a newspaper that told me to close one door before I open another. I know now what that meant.

I have no pictures in my wallet. They are all in my phone. I figure this and the fact that I have my Daddy’s Savings account ATM card may give someone the wrong impression about the responsibilities I have in my life. The ATM card is for emergencies and I haven’t used it in over a year. And no pictures means they nay be surprised to know I am a mom of 2 beautiful children. My oldest is Maisyne who is 11. And my daughter who is 4 going on 24. Yes! For a minute there she thought she was old enough to taste my wine. WOMEN!

Everything else, the Bank Cards, Library cards, Credit cards…. They all represent the material things. They are the things that mean the least to me, but for some reason, they are in the most organized section of my wallet. I wonder if subconsciously I made the things that are important to me look like garbage because I knew that is probably the only thing that would actually be returned to me, if I ever lost my wallet?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I did it!

I was a bit sceptical at first... But, I did it! I can Facebook and Myspace with the best of them but, for some reason when it the word "assignment" or "school" has anything to do with it, my confidence level drops.

I'm so proud right now!